Monday 3 February 2014

The swiss-army knife of dropdowns .. from the same guy that runs A Beautiful Site, LLC. and Surreal CMS.

I had a challenging project to do for the client and the site cried out for aesthetics as well as functionality. Initially I was playing around with bootstrap button-dropdowns. 

The limitations of CSS provided by bootstrap meant that I had my button group magically shrinked when the dropdown came in and the placement was just not correct. I did not want to bother with CSS for that since I anyway had my hands full. It is at this point I thought of looking out for a better solution and bingo, i found it at : with the downloads available at :

So what makes it different?. The biggest thing is that now I am able to put HTML into my dropdowns!!.. yayyy.. The styling is taken care off and i can control the dropdown using API's provided alongside. 

With the ability to put HTML , i made use of buttons to set the job instead of list. 
With styling headache gone, it freed my time.  
The APIs gave me much finer control to pop up and to remove elements as I needed!.

Now the changed page looks like this.. aint this awesome!. Thanks to the developers of this smart dropdown!.